The ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. This includes communicating clearly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed.

Relationship Skills Involve:
- Communication
- Social Engagement
- Relationship-building
- Teamwork
- Communication: Demonstrating proficiency in verbal and non-verbal communication to express thoughts and emotions effectively, fostering positive and constructive interactions with others.
- Building Relationships: Cultivating and nurturing meaningful and supportive connections with individuals and groups, contributing to the development of healthy and rewarding relationships.
- Negotiation: Utilizing effective problem-solving and conflict resolution skills to reach mutually satisfactory outcomes that address the needs and concerns of all parties involved.
- Refusal: Assertively and confidently expressing one’s decision to decline participation in any activities or behaviors that are unwanted, unsafe, unethical, or unlawful, and following through with that decision.
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
– Joseph F. Newton